Microscopio JEOL JSPM 4210
Resolution AFM ,Atomic resolution(an image of atoms in mica in contact mode)
STM Atomic resolution (an image of atoms in HOPG)0.05nm/s less
Measurement modes AFM Contact mode
Topography image, force image, FFM, force curve, friction force curve, I-V, CITS, contact electric-current image
AC mode
Topography image, phase image, amplitude image
Lift mode
Lateral modulation FFM (option)
Viscoelasticity (option)
Surface potential (option)
Electrochemistry (option)
PFM (option)
STM STM mode
Topography image, electric-current image, CITS Spectroscopy
I-V, S-V, I-S
XY scanning range 0 to 10 µm (when the standard scanner is used) Driving voltage -+150 V
Resolution 20 bits (offset included)
Specimen size standard 10mm. x 10mm. x 3mm. (thickness)
Maximum 2-inch wafer
Specimen movement XY -+3mm.
Z specimen movement 5 mm.
Institución: Instituto de Fisica, UNAM
Ubicación: Laboratorio 44
Condiciones de prestamo: -
Soporte Técnico: -