Microscopio Confocal Axio scope A1 LSM700
Specifications LSM 700
Stands Upright: Axio Imager.Z1m, M1m and Axio Scope mot for LSM
Inverted: Axio Observer.Z1m SP (side port)
Z drive Axio Imager: Step motor, smallest increment 10 or 25 nm
Axio Observer: DC motor with opto-electronic coding, smallest increment 10 nm
XY stage (option) Motorized XY scanning stage with Mark & Find (XYZ) and Tile Scan (Mosaic Scan) functions
Objectives More than 40 reflected-light objectives: EC Epiplans, EC Epiplan-Neofluars, EC Epiplan-Neofluars,
EC Epiplan-Apochromats, LD Epiplans, LD EC Epiplan-Neofluars
Accessories High-resolution AxioCam microscope camera
Scanning module
Scanner Two independent galvanometric scanning mirrors with ultra-short line and frame flyback
Scanning resolution 4x1 to 2048x2048 pixels, continuously adjustable
Scanning speed 13x2 speed stages, Up to 5 frames/s with 512x512 pixels (max. 154 frames/s with 512x16 pixels)
Scanning zoom 0.5x to 40x, variable in increments of 0.1
Scanning rotation Freely rotatable around 360°, variable in increments of 0.1°
Scanning field Field diagonal of 18 mm (max.) in the intermediate image plane, homogeneous illumination
of image field
Pinhole Motorized master pinhole, diameter continuously adjustable
Detection One or two confocal channels (reflection/fluorescence), one optional external transmitted-light
channel with DIC capability, each with high-sensitivity PMT detector, spectral increment 1 nm
Data depth Selectable between 8 bit, 12 bit or 16 bit
Laser inserts
Laser inserts (VIS, V) Pigtail-coupled solid-state laser with polarization-preserving single-mode fiber; up to 4 V/VIS
laser directly connectable to the scanning module; laser lines 405 nm 5 mW or 445 nm 5 mW;
488 nm 10 mW; 555 nm 10 mW; 639 nm 5 mW (at fiber end)
Fast (pixel-exact) customized and variable intensity adjustment of all laser lines (direct modulation)
Automatic shutdown of laser when not in use
Electronics module
Control computer Real-time electronics integrated in PC; communication with user PC via PCI express; Control of
microscope, lasers, scanning module and additional accessories, data acquisition and synchronization;
Over sampling acquisition for best sensitivity and doubled SNR; possibility of online data-analysis
during acquisition
User PC High-end PC with ample RAM and hard disk storage capacity; ergonomic high-resolution
16:10 LCD-TFT flat-panel display, Windows VISTA operating system with multi-user capability
Ethernet connection to local network
Institución: Instituto de Fisica, UNAM
Ubicación: Laboratorio 44
Condiciones de prestamo: -
Soporte Técnico: -